

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Eat Local Challenge, Belfast, Maine

My local Food Co-op, one of the main reasons why we live in Belfast, Maine, has challenged it shoppers to the Eat Local Challenge. Here is their description of the challenge which helps people connect to where their food comes from and how many food miles are involved in their eating. Very cleverly the Co-op has marked everything it has for sale in the store that has been grown/produced within one hundred miles of the Co-op.
"The Maine Eat Local Challenge is an opportunity for us, as individuals and communities, to explore what it is like to source our food locally, support our local food growers and suppliers and keep our food dollars in the local economy. For those of us already committed to local food it is an opportunity to see if we can go even deeper in our commitment to eating local"


  1. This sounds an excellent idea - we do have quite a lot of local food here - organic veg, honey, cheese and meat. It seems awful to me that out of season food should be flown around the world when millions in Africa are starving.

  2. I have been tagged and in turn have tagged you, if you want to play along visit my blog for the rules. Only if you want too!


Thanks so much for taking the time to make a comment! If a reply is needed I'll be back in touch asap - in the meantime Happy Baking and Creating! Patricia