

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A beautiful snowfall in Maine!

"Viewmaster" by James Strickland
Snow piling up under the spruce tree
Our house hunkering down for the storm
"Girl Facing North East" by James Strickland
My "Abbey" mandala...I love the way the snow is sticking to the mandala in a really nice pattern, it's a nice sticky snow that would be perfect to make either a snowman or an igloo if one were so inclined....I would make the effort for a snowman IF it were just a little warmer.
There'll be a lot of digging out tomorrow...what joy!!!


  1. I love your picture of the mandala in snow, it is gorgeous. There is a tendency now here in Blighty to call snowfall a snow event! How daft is that? Of course the whole world grinds to a halt here with a "snow event" of half an inch.

  2. Love your cupcake illustration. I really enjoy painting food too.


Thanks so much for taking the time to make a comment! If a reply is needed I'll be back in touch asap - in the meantime Happy Baking and Creating! Patricia