

Saturday, April 4, 2009

An excellent CAKE demonstration at the Good Table with Erin French

Erin begins making her buttercream with six sticks of can anything go wrong with such a great start, all good things foodie begin with mounds of butter!!
A bucket o'buttercream...divine!!
Erin begins layering and icing the cakes she had made nice and cool so the buttercream doesn't melt......
The decorative icing begins...
The finished almond cake with chocolate ganache and vanilla buttercream frosting...adorned with exquisite red roses...unsprayed of course!
The demolished and thoroughly delicious cake at sessions end!
Erin did a beautiful job of not only making a gorgeous cake but delivering a very clear, concise and informative demonstration of how to make this cake yourself at home. There are more free events coming up at the Good Table here in Belfast so do check their calendar to see if there's one to entice you!!
Thanks Erin!!


  1. looks like it was fun and delicious!

  2. Darn, I'm sorry I missed it - I didn't know it was happening. What tip did she use for the trim? It looks interesting but I can't really see it. But what I'd really like to know is how on earth does she stay so thin?

  3. Candice, dahlingk...Erin used a big open star tip for the trim...and apparently she doesn't eat great lumbering slices of her own I would!! Ciao, Patricia xx


Thanks so much for taking the time to make a comment! If a reply is needed I'll be back in touch asap - in the meantime Happy Baking and Creating! Patricia