

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jolly Hollyhocks and Delphiniums!

Am I a lucky girl...from whenst did these pink hollyhocks come??, for indeed I did not plant them but OH! how happy I am they are here. Aren't they the most luscious pink and up close they almost look like they are fashioned from some delightful sugar paste...they are delicately edged in scallops and are almost transparent...I love them and thank the little bird or chipmunk who dropped their seeds.
and below...delphiniums...who knew I liked delphiniums?...certainly not me , just the name put me off as some dry and boring plant one finds in a Victorian drawing room...I think I was thinking of Aspidistras perhaps??? and the good old Gracie Fields song from when I was little, two hundred and fifty years ago, "The Biggest Aspidistra in the World" a riveting ditty that definitely wrote in stone my feelings about said plant!!
LUCKILY I discovered delphiniums a couple of years ago and boy are they beautiful...all of mine are in shades of BLUE and lilac, I'll have a picture of the really blue one next week when they have filled out, they take a nice long time to fill out their flowers and then their flowers stay a long time too....good bang for your floral buck!!
...and here's Mr. Bee doing his job diligently...he's the Bees Knees isn't he?? Ha ha!!
Ha ha indeed, James was just 'droning' on to me about the fact that all bees out gallivanting collecting honey are in fact girls...thanks James!!! Sorry BEE!


  1. Your hollyhocks are your favourite pink judging form this photo! How fitting that they should choose to grow in your garden!

  2. beautiful. I just gave my son the whole bees are important speech this morning and why and what they do for us and what would happen without them. I hope it took!


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