

Monday, December 27, 2010

Blizzard 2010...still going...

Yea here comes the snow plough!! I have to admit I LOVE snowstorms/blizzards and I am particularly fond of seeing the snow plough go by...especially at night when I peek out one of the frosty windows like a 5 year old  - watching for the headlights loom out of the darkness, see the snow swirl ahead of the plough and hear that noise that sounds like a jet engine landing on the road outside our house.
Thank you snowplough drivers one and all!

 This was about 2 hours ago when I was out shoveling...since then the storm has picked back up and there's another 2-3" there now...the wind is howling and whipping around the house and we and the woofs are toasty and warm next to the flickering, humming wood stove...
how lucky are we?
Our maple tree readying itself for the tapping in the spring...which seems SO far away!

 James' sculpture "Leap,run,leaping" standing proud against the winds - with it's little friend the lonely red apple. a red shark swimming the snowy waters...

I love the curves the snow lines make whirling around the sculpture, I wish they were a little more defined here for you to appreciate as well as I did striding out there through the drifts.
 And again...the lonely red apple....


  1. love your shots, featuring the wonderful palette of grey, white and red. my favorite shot - the apple!

  2. I love your pix Patricia! And I know what you mean about those majestic machines and the unsung heroes within them!

  3. Joany Dear...I think snowploughs come from the realm of Harry Potter and Narnia...I don't know what it is that makes them magical to me but I love 'em!!

  4. Joany Dear...I think snowploughs come from the realm of Harry Potter and Narnia...I don't know what it is that makes them magical to me but I love 'em!!

  5. Fully agree on the snowplows ;)
    ...and must say I somehow love blizzards or at least the feeling of having been in one and coming inside again. xox

  6. Nice pictures! Can see why you like the blizzard!


Thanks so much for taking the time to make a comment! If a reply is needed I'll be back in touch asap - in the meantime Happy Baking and Creating! Patricia