

Monday, September 21, 2009

More colour comes to Maine!

The roadsides here in Maine are alive with lovely fluffy asters, the last of the goldenrod and Queen Anne's lace's a beautiful sight!!...looks like a fairy forest, at least that's what my art teacher at school would have said!
A close up of the wild asters...
...and a close up of the asters in my front garden
...some glorious berries in the back of the house...don't know what they are but the colour palette reminds me of traffic lights
A lingering Queen Anne's lace...the smell is beautiful...delicate and old-fashioned, I just found out you can make jelly from it, Colleen's on Route One in Searsport sells a delicious jelly made from the flowers...a very subtle yellow-green colour, quite exquisite.
Oh oh...kinda looks like a snowflake doesn't it...yikes!
...and lingering zinnia's...these flowers have been going FOREVER, I can't believe how they have lasted, I didn't even plant these, they just showed up this year out of the blue. I thought I'd be clever and cut some, hang them upside down in the house and dry them....what a sad sight they were, zinnias DO NOT dry prettily at all!!...don't bother if you're tempted
and finally...who is this cheeky lot?? A bunch of wild turkeys looking very neolithic wandering around at the back of the house....the dogs didn't give a howling, no barking, no nothing...I did however have a word with the turkeys and told them to "Run, run for your lives" for, as we humans know, Thanksgiving is coming!!

1 comment:

  1. You live in such a wonderful place. Wild turkey's, beautiful berries and flowers and there is so much interesting history to read about and places to visit. I am truly envious!



Thanks so much for taking the time to make a comment! If a reply is needed I'll be back in touch asap - in the meantime Happy Baking and Creating! Patricia