So last Saturday James and I went off to the Common Ground Country Fair held by MOFGA (the Maine Farmers and Gardeners Association) in Unity, Maine about 12 miles away from us. A beautiful day for it as you can see. It's a celebration of rural living where you can learn how to start a fire, buy wind turbines, see rabbits and eat doughnuts!!
So, OF COURSE, the first thing we did was head for the cider maple doughnuts no less....they were really good, nice and subtle and very wholesome...not like the puffy, over sugary things one purchases ELSEWHERE!!...and you can see what a good girl I was as I brought my own mug so as not to waste paper products...little Miss Goody Two Shoes, that's me!!
Next thing we did was see that I had actually won a couple of blue ribbons without even trying!! I must get in touch with the Shea's of Stonewall Farm and see if they are distant rellies??
The day was full of beautiful creatures...many of whom liked to peek over stable walls and such...above is a mule....and below a sweet horse...
..then best of all a cheeky alpaca who seems to be well aware of the cuteness of the sign below his batting eyelashes!!
I am loving this post so much as allthough I've never been in Main (or in the US for that matter), the photos make me feel like as though I am ;)